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Hercule Poirot #37

Приключението на коледния пудинг

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„Приключението на коледния пудинг” събира част от най-добрите разкази на ненадминатата Агата Кристи. В шест заплетени истории най-обичаните й герои Еркюл Поаро и госпожица Марпъл разкриват престъпления и удивляват с невероятните си детективски способности.
...И един съвет: не яжте от пудинга!

280 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1960

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About the author

Agatha Christie

4,263 books66k followers
Agatha Christie also wrote romance novels under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott, and was occasionally published under the name Agatha Christie Mallowan.

Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady Mallowan, DBE (née Miller) was an English writer known for her 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections, particularly those revolving around fictional detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. She also wrote the world's longest-running play, the murder mystery The Mousetrap, which has been performed in the West End of London since 1952. A writer during the "Golden Age of Detective Fiction", Christie has been called the "Queen of Crime". She also wrote six novels under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. In 1971, she was made a Dame (DBE) by Queen Elizabeth II for her contributions to literature. Guinness World Records lists Christie as the best-selling fiction writer of all time, her novels having sold more than two billion copies.

This best-selling author of all time wrote 66 crime novels and story collections, fourteen plays, and six novels under a pseudonym in romance. Her books sold more than a billion copies in the English language and a billion in translation. According to Index Translationum, people translated her works into 103 languages at least, the most for an individual author. Of the most enduring figures in crime literature, she created Hercule Poirot and Miss Jane Marple. She atuhored The Mousetrap, the longest-running play in the history of modern theater.

Associated Names:
Agata Christie
Agata Kristi
Агата Кристи (Russian)
Агата Крісті (Ukrainian)
Αγκάθα Κρίστι (Greek)
アガサ クリスティ (Japanese)
阿嘉莎·克莉絲蒂 (Chinese)

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Profile Image for Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill).
1,358 reviews3,296 followers
December 25, 2022
For many people, Christmas time is a time for relaxation and celebration.

But not for Hercule Poirot. Even when he arrives at a great English country house, he plans to solve his cases. Each case discussed in this book is unique and intriguing.
"A weak man in a corner is more dangerous than a strong man. ”

A bigger surprise for me was the Miss Marple story at the end. But who is complaining? Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot's stories together in a book dealing with themes related to Christmas are the perfect recipe for bibliophiles during the Christmas season.
Profile Image for Adrian.
608 reviews233 followers
January 26, 2021
January 2021 read for Poirot Group Read
So it appears I'm reading the same book twice in one long Group Read. Hmm, not quite the case despite the obvious evidence. The December 18 read was of the short story Christmas Adventure: Hercule Poirot which is an early version of The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding - a Hercule Poirot Short Story, So in 2018 I read all the stories in the book rather than just the title story. Hence when we get to reading the updated version and other stories in December 2020, I find I've already read them. Shall I just skip the reader after 2 years shall I re-read.
Hey ho re-read it is . 😊
So far I see no reason to change my thoughts below, nor my markings (2 stories in so far). And now I've finished it (again). Some wonderful short stories, all of them 4 stars plus. To me The Dream is the best and demonstrates Hercule's ability the most.

December 2018 read for Poirot Group Read
The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding - 5 stars
An excellent Poirot short that perfectly demonstrates his amazing ability, and Ms Christie’s storytelling prowess.
(To save counting this short story twice, I've removed the separate short story from my library)

Mystery of the Spanish Chest - 4 stars
Well I read this only 3 months ago and amazingly I’m enjoying it again so very soon

And now do I shelve this until I have to read the rest of the short stories as part of my challenge (I think its due December 2020 !!) , or shall I finish it now and read again in 2 years ha ha.

Well I decided to carry on, so ...

The Underdog - 4 stars
A great short story that again showcases Poirot's talents, and thus Ms Christie's talents.

Four and Twenty Blackbirds - 5 stars
This has to be, in my opinion one of Poirot's best short stories. In fact he's not even asked to investigate anything. Read it and find out what I mean.

The Dream - 4.5 stars

Another wonderful Poirot short, in which our hero again produces a rabbit out of the hat at the last minute.

Greenshaw's Folly -4.5 stars
Surprisingly enough the last "short" in this book is a Miss Marple story. Our darling Jane virtually solves the whole mystery from her armchair whilst knitting. Nephew and writer Raymond assists as Aunt Jane cuts through the red-herrings and gets straight to heart of the murder.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,564 reviews172 followers
March 7, 2022
The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding (Hercule Poirot #35), Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie's seasonal Poirot and Marple short story collection. The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding and a Selection of Entrees is a short story collection written by Agatha Christie and first published on 24 October 1960. It is the only Christie first edition published in the UK that contains stories with both Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, the writer's two most famous detectives. It comprises six cases.

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «رویا»؛ «ماجرای پودینگ کریسمس: ماجراهای هرکول پوآرو»؛ نویسنده: آگاتا کریستی؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و ششم ماه آگوست سال 2015میلادی

عنوان: رویا؛ نویسنده: آگاتا کریستی؛ مترجم حمیدرضا بلندسران؛ تهران هرمس، کتابهای کارآگاه‏‫، سال1392؛ در245ص؛ شابک9789643638290؛ چاپ دوم سال1393؛ موضوع: داستانهای کوتاه نویسندگان بریتانیا - سده20م‬

عنوان: ماجرای پودینگ کریسمس: ماجراهای هرکول پوآرو؛ نویسنده آگاتا کریستی؛ مترجم: سیمین تاجدینی؛ تهران، ویدا، سال1397، در256ص؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان بریتانیا - سده20م

نقل از متن: (صندوق اسپانیایی: یک: «هرکول پوآرو» مثل همیشه، سرِ وقت وارد اتاق کوچکی شد که خانم «لمون»، منشی پرکارش، در انتظار دستورات آنروز بود؛ در نگاه اول به نظر میآمد اندام خانم «لمون» تماما از خطوط صاف و موازی تشکیل شده، و از این لحاظ برای «پوآرو» که طرفدار تقارن هندسی بود، خیلی خوب بود؛ نه اینکه «پوآرو» در مورد اندام زنها هم طرفدار نظم و دقت هندسی باشد؛ برعکس، او آدم سنت گرایی بود و تعصب شدیدی روی منحنیها داشت ـــ شاید بتوان گفت تنها بر روی منحنیهای خوش ساخت؛ دوست داشت ز��ها زن باشند؛ آنها را با آرایش زیاد، خوش آب و رنگ، و ظاهر عجیب و غریب میپسندید؛ در زندگی اش با یک «کنتس روسی» سر و سرّی داشت، که البته مربوط به خیلی وقت پیش میشد، همان سبکسریهای دوران جوانی؛ ولی خانم «لمون» را اصلاً نمیشد زن به حساب آورد؛ او یک انسان ماشینی بود ـــ یک ابزار دقیق؛ پرکاری اش قابل توجه بود؛ چهل و هشت سال سن داشت، و شانس آورده بود که بکلی فاقد تخیل است؛ ــ صبح بخیر، خانم «لمون»؛ ــ صبح بخیر، «موسیو پوآرو»؛ «پوآرو» نشست، و خانم «لمون» نامه های صبح را، که با نظم و ترتیب خاصی طبقه بندی کرده بود، پیش رویش گذاشت؛ خودش هم دوباره نشست و دفتر یادداشت و خودکارش را آماده در دست گرفت، ولی مثل اینکه قرار بود تغییری در برنامه روزانه امروز صبح داده شود؛

پوآرو یکی از روزنامه های صبح را همراه خودش آورده بود، و مشتاقانه داشت با نگاهی تند و گذرا، آن را مرور میکرد؛ تیتر خبرها درشت و بزرگ بودند؛ «راز صندوق اسپانیایی»؛ آخرین اخبار مربوط به آن؛ ــ به گمانم روزنامه های صبح را خوانده اید، خانم «لمون»؟ ــ بله، «موسیو پوآرو»؛ خبرهایی که از «ژنو» میرسند زیاد خوب نیستند؛ ولی «پوآرو» با حرکت دادن دستش، موضوع اخبار «ژنو» را به سمت دیگری برد، و متفکرانه گفت: ــ موضوع یک «صندوق اسپانیایی» است؛

خانم «لمون» آیا دقیقا میتوانید به من بگویید «صندوق اسپانیایی» چه چیزی است؟ ــ به نظرم، «موسیو پوآرو»، صندوقی است که در اصل از «اسپانیا» آمده باشد؛ این را که قاعدتا همه میدانند؛ پس هیچ اطلاعات تخصصی ندارید؟ ــ فکر کنم معمولاً مربوط به دوران «الیزابت» میشوند؛ بزرگ هستند و کلی تزئینات برنجی رویشان است؛ وقتی درست از آنها نگهداری شود، و خوب صیقلشان دهند، خیلی قشنگ به نظر میآیند؛ خواهرم یکی از آنها را در حراجی خرید؛ رومیزی های خانگیش را داخل آن میگذارد؛ خیلی قشنگ است

پوآرو تعظیم مودبانه ای کرد و گفت: ــ مطمئنم در خانه هر یک از خواهران شما، از همه اسباب و اثاثیه بخوبی نگهداری میشود؛ خانم «لمون» در جواب ابراز تاسف کرد، و گفت که این روزها خدمتکارها با عرق جبین و کد یمین بیگانه اند؛ «پوآرو» منظور او را متوجه نشد، ولی به این نتیجه رسید که بهتر است فعلاً در مورد معنای این عبارت عجیب چیزی نپرسد؛ دوباره نگاهش را متوجّه روزنامه کرد، و اسامی را بدقت خواند: «سرگرد ریچ»، خانم و آقای «کلِیتون»، فرمانده «مک لارن»، خانم و آقای «اسپنس»؛ اینها برای او فقط چند تا اسم بودند؛ ولی همگی دلالت بر ویژگیهای هریک از این آدمها داشتند، تنفر، عشق، ترس؛

ماجرای هیجان انگیزی که او، یعنی «هرکول پوآرو»، هیچ نقشی در آن نداشت؛ و خیلی دوست داشت که نقشی در آن داشته باشد! شش نفر در یک مهمانی شام، در اتاقی که یک صندوق بزرگ «اسپانیایی» کنار دیوار آن قرار داشته است؛ شش نفر، که پنج نفر از آنها مشغول صحبت، خوردن شام روی میز بوفه، گذاشتن صفحه در گرامافون، و رقص بوده اند، و ششمی مُرده، آن هم در «صندوق اسپانیایی»...؛ «پوآرو» با خودش فکر کرد: «آه، چقدر دوست عزیزم، هستینگز، از این جریان لذت میبرد! چه بلندپروازی و برداشتهای عاشقانه ای که از این داستان نمیکرد؛ چه بیعرضگیهایی که از خودش نشان نمیداد! آه، چقدر همین الآن، همین امروز، دلم برایش تنگ شده...؛ عوضش...؛» آهی از سینه بیرون داد و به خانم «لمون» نگاه کرد؛

خانم «لمون»، که از روی ذکاوتش دریافته بود که گویی قرار نیست «پوآرو» نامه ها را دیکته کند، روکش ماشین تحریرش را برداشته بود، و منتظر بود تا بلافاصله، سروقتِ کارهای انجام نشده، و عقب افتاده اش برود؛ هیچ چیزی نمیتوانست کمتر از آن صندوق نحس «اسپانیایی» با آن جسدی که داخلش بود، علاقه اش را به خود جلب کند؛ «پوآرو» دوباره آهی کشید، و به چهره ای که عکسش در روزنامه چاپ شده بود نگاه کرد؛ چاپ روزنامه ها روی کاغذهای کاهی بازیافت شده، اصلاً کیفیت خوبی نداشت، و واقعا ناخوانا و رنگ و رورفته بود؛ ولی عجب چهره ای داشت! خانم «کلیتون»، همسر مردی که به قتل رسیده بود...)؛ پایان نقل

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 27/02/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ 15/12/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Anne.
4,277 reviews70k followers
October 27, 2023
The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding is also known as The Theft of the Royal Ruby.
Both titles make sense because the pudding plays a part in the recovery of the ruby.


The gist of this one is that Poirot is called in to help an eastern prince because he's messed up in a big way. He's engaged to be married but unwisely decided to have one last hurrah with a ho.
Unfortunately for him, this chick made off with his family jewels. And he needs these jewels to present to his wife-to-be and her family.
If the police get involved, the word might get out and the scandal would ruin everything.
And I think it's pretty safe to say his fiance wouldn't be too happy to learn that he let some hussy take her wedding gift to the bathroom with her.


Somehow the Powers That Be suspect someone who is staying at a house called Kings Lacey has the jewel. Poirot then gets foisted on this family supposedly so that he can experience a traditional English Christmas.
And here's where the Christmas pudding from the title comes in because I'm guessing that's an English thing. I mean, we don't have week-old pudding as part of our holiday celebration in the States. So, you know...


And I absolutely loved Mrs. Lacey. She's the heart and soul of the whole thing and it's worth reading for her character alone.
Cheeky little kids & unsuitable boyfriends mingle in with the mistletoe & presents. So, while Poirot is there to find a thief, he actually does get a REAL family Christmas experience while he's doing it.


But don't worry. Even with all the Christmas crazy, Hercule Poirot will still solve the case.

Now, I've read and listened to this story before. Several times.
But this time around I listened to the dramatized version and it was pretty fun, especially if you're trying to find something holidayesque to listen to. I have to say that I actually prefer the regular audiobook narration, though.

The original idea came from the 1923 short story Christmas Adventure. If you can find that one, check it out!
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.8k followers
December 15, 2023
The home stretch of my Poirot run! #33, and the story, “The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding” (a.k.a. The Theft of the Royal Ruby) is a light-hearted family tale set at Christmas-time, which I'll admit is not the kind of story I would typically go out of my way to read. Oh, it features a murder, of course, but hey, it’s Christmas, so it’s the least grisly murder mystery. The story is part of a short story collection, which I read quickly, not that interested in most of them, and not a mystery short story fan, but you know, I made a commitment to read all these Poirot books in order, so: check.

“The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding” is really a novella, the first and longest in the collection. Hercules Poirot is invited to attend Christmas at a house where a ruby is missing. All the kids in the house challenge Poirot by setting up a subplot. Poirot solves the case and teaches the kids a lesson.

“The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding” was the only one of the stories in this collection set during Christmas. In Christie’s foreword she explains how her childhood Christmases spent in Abney Hall inspired the story. As with many Christmas stories, it feels nostalgic and sentimental, a mystery directed to a perhaps younger audience, for the first time in my experience with Christie. The 70-year-old Christie, writing this in 1960, makes a couple digs at beatnik culture of the time evident in England. Dame Christie was clearly no beatnik, in case you were wondering. Christie’s characters here are forgettable, but she is ever the cleverest plot-master (she would prefer plot-mistress, I think), so the resolution of this little harmless story adds a star.
Profile Image for Kalliope.
691 reviews22 followers
December 12, 2021

As this time of the year arrived, I thought of reading something christmasy. I don’t always bother but when I came across this novel by the crime queen the idea of of a Christmas book that combined plum puddings and murder --or something like it-- appeared very intriguing.

This was a lighter read than I expected. So light that it has made perfect reading while queuing for my booster doses early this morning:light and charming, even if the plot is somewhat predictable and some dialogues give too much away. But inserting Poirot in a quintessential English environment is delightfully done.

My edition begins with the note that this was first published in 1923 and later modified. Christie then had written this story when she was still married to her first husband. And yet, later in the novel there is a reference to “watching too much TV” and at towards the end there is another to a “Mesopotamian cosmetic box”. Both elements surprised me. Not only was there no TV around in 1923 but also Christie’s interest in archaeological items dates from her second marriage. So, I did a bit of investigation, obviously inspired by Poirot, and found that in wiki this story is recorded as first published in 1960, part of a collection.

I was reading then the revised version. Mystery solved.
Profile Image for Nayra.Hassan.
1,259 reviews5,992 followers
October 24, 2022
جريمتنا هنا من الذين قلّبوا البودينج؟
و لكنه ليس اي بودينج
انها الطقوس البريطانية العريقة للعام الجديد فلنُذهل سويا
قالت الطاهية عن الفن الذي تصنعه"لم أتمكن من إعداده قبل مطلع العام الجديد بوقت؛ إن بودينج العام الجديد يجب أن يجهز قبل ذلك بأسابيع ثم يُترك ليجف وكلما تركته ليجف أطول ، ضمن الوقت المعقول، كان أفضل! ا

لقد أعددت هذا البودينج منذ ثلاثة أيام، قبل وصولك بيوم، ولكني اتبعت العادة القديمة: على جميع من في المنزل أن يدخلوا المطبخ ويقلبوا مزيج البودينج ثم يتمنوا أمنية. إنها عادة قديمة يا سيدي ألتزم بها دائمًا

هكذا صارت التهمة في قصتنا هنا :من قام بتقليب الخليط؟
سأل بوارو: "كم عدد أخلاط البودينج التي أعددتها؟ هل هذا هو الخليط الوحيد؟"
قالت السيدة روس: "لا يا سيدي، لقد أعددت أربعة: اثنين كبيرين واثنين أصغر
من هذا البودينج البرقوقي البايت الذي يتم اشعاله قبل تناوله

Watch "Hercule Poirot S03E09 - VF 1080p - Christmas Pudding" on YouTube
Profile Image for Anissa.
913 reviews285 followers
December 31, 2022
I kind of love that my reading year 2022 closes with Dame Christie, Poirot and Jane Marple. This volume had several short stories with really only the first with a Christmas connection. I can't even say the others were set in winter. Still, these were very good. Thoughts on each tomorrow. Recommended.
Profile Image for Vikas Singh.
Author 4 books313 followers
August 5, 2019
A collection of six short stories, five of then featuring Hercule Poirot and one with Miss Marple. The first story -The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding is Christie's tribute to the wonderful time she had during Christmas time at her brother in laws house. The last story Greenshaw's folly is the one Christie wrote to raise money for her local church. Compared to her other stories, the plots here are weaker but they still hold your attention. Average read
Profile Image for Anne.
504 reviews98 followers
November 19, 2021
”It is a problem certainly, that Christmas plum pudding. There is here something that I do not understand at all.”

The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding is a 1960 shorty mystery set at an English country house over Christmas. The mystery is full of surprises and Poirot’s amusing observations all with a backdrop of holidays festivities.

Poirot anticipates a period of peace and repose alone over Christmas. However, when a foolish prince has his heirloom ruby stolen by his date, he turns to Poirot to retrieve it to avoid a scandal. Poirot’s investigation leads him to accept an arranged invitation to stay at Kings Lacey, an English country house.

Poirot arrives at the house ablaze with holiday trimmings and guests. Not to mention the promise of “oil-fired central heating.” Immediately, Mrs. Lacey presses him to uncover useful information about a man with a poor reputation whom her granddaughter has brought home and plans to marry. This man brought his convalescing sister too. Add in three young teens planning a murder show for Poirot and a family friend in love with the granddaughter, and it makes for a lively time.

I loved this mystery. Poirot was at his delightful best! He was a step ahead everyone and often amusing in his observations. Although astute readers may guess the identity of the culprit, just know the real story is about how the mystery unfolds, the surprises, and the quite justice served.

After I finished the story, I watched the corresponding film adaption. Its title is different from the story. The Theft of the Royal Ruby fell below the book’s quality. Thankfully, I read the book first or I might have skipped it based on my feelings for the film. In the film, the house was a modern museum-like place without snow. It was missing the subtle humor the text held. The details of the story were moderately altered (and not for the better). And the ill-mannered prince had too much screen time; I liked how he was regulated to the very beginning in the book.

My AG favorites are from the golden age period, but this 1960s story matched all the elements I enjoy best. If you relish an old-fashioned mystery steeped in Christmas traditions and cheer, check this out.

This title is part of the hoopla Bonus Borrows through the month of November. Note: This title only contains the 53-page mystery, The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding, and it does not have the other short stories reviewer’s mention.
Profile Image for Sumit RK.
920 reviews525 followers
March 15, 2017
A short story collection featuring 6 stories incl The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding,
The Mystery of the Spanish Chest, The Under Dog, Four and Twenty Blackbirds, The Dream and Greenshaw's Folly.
All the stories were good. But of all the stories, The Mystery of the Spanish Chest, The Under Dog ,The Dream and Greenshaw's Folly really stood out. The plot, the characters and the main mystery, all were truly excellent and unique. If you are a Poirot fan and if you enjoy short stories, you will surely enjoy this one.
Profile Image for Issa Deerbany.
374 reviews556 followers
February 6, 2017
استمتعت ببعض الحبكات القصيرة
رغم ان القصص الطويلة اجمل وأروع ولكن للتغيير وهو مطلوب
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,550 reviews2,408 followers
October 9, 2015
A nice little collection of short stories, mostly starring Hercule Poirot and one about Miss Marple. The title story about the Christmas pudding was the best one with a clever idea and a number of possible murderers. A couple of the other stories were not so effective. I must admit I do not really enjoy short stories. I always feel they stop just when I want them to get going. These ones however were not bad!
Profile Image for Tim Orfanos.
353 reviews37 followers
February 11, 2024
Πρόκειται για μια εξαντλημένη στα ελληνικά συλλογή από ιστορίες της Κρίστι με ήρωα, μόνο, τον πασίγνωστο ντετέκτιβ Ηρακλή Πουαρώ, όπου ενώ εξιτάρουν τον αναγνώστη δεν πείθουν όλες για την αληθοφάνειά τους.

Η συλλογή είναι αρκετά ενδιαφέρουσα και γοητευτική, ωστόσο, οι πιο σημαντικές ιστορίες είναι 'Το μυστήριο της Ισπανικής κασέλας', η οποία θεωρείται από τις δυσκολότερες και πιο αγαπημένες υποθέσεις του Πουαρώ (σε αυτήν γνωρίζει τον συνταγματάρχη Ρης που, αργότερα, τον βοηθά στο 'Εγκλημα στο Νείλο') και 'Ο αποδιοπομπαίος' όπου η Κρίστι (και κατ'επέκταση ο Πουαρώ) χρησιμοποιεί τη τέχνη της ύπνωσης ως καινοτομικό στοιχείο για τη διαλεύκανση του εγκλήματος.

Οφείλω να ομολογήσω ότι, ενώ ως καλοκαιρινό ανάγνωσμα ταιριάζει 'γάντι', συγκριτικά με τις υπόλοιπες συλλογές ιστοριών της συγγραφέα, υπολείπεται σημαντικά.

Βαθμολογία: 3,8/5 ή 7,6/10.
Profile Image for Angel.
35 reviews8 followers
December 24, 2021
Un relato corto la mar de entretenido protagonizado por el genial Poirot. Ideal para leer en estas fechas.
Profile Image for Stephanie Anze.
657 reviews119 followers
December 27, 2018
"....but by all accounts you are not a fool, eh, M. Poirot?"
He laughed breezily.
"Those who have thought so have been sadly mistaken," said Poirot placidly.

Hercule Poirot is once again on the case, or cases, shall we say. In this collection of six short stories Poirot is back and just as eager as ever to keep investigating. Wether in a countryside manor or in the city, where murder is concerned, Poirot is the goods.

The year is winding down and I wanted to have one last adventure with my favorite detective before the year is out. Featuring five short stories with Poirot and one with Jane Marple, this collection is the perfect read for me as usually around the holidays I have less time to read than usual. Originally published in 1960, this is one of Christie's "later" publications. While I find the earlier publications better, this collection had the distinct personality and mannerisms of both Poirot and Marple and the same charm of Christie on every page. The standout story for me is the book title, 'The Adventures of the Christmas Pudding'. I love the setting, characters and build-up to the reveal. I especially like how particular Poirot has become. Generally speaking, I enjoyed all these stories and found the collection to be more than a pleasent read.

Profile Image for Antoinette.
864 reviews106 followers
December 28, 2018
3.5 STARS.

This book comprised 6 short stories- 5 with Hercule Poirot and one with Miss Marple. The only Christmas story was the first- The Adventures of the Christmas Pudding. Light quick read- perfect for the pre Christmas madness cause if you are like me it is difficult to concentrate at this time of the year.
I always enjoy the way both Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple’s minds work.
Enjoyable read!
Profile Image for Sophie's Reading Corner .
862 reviews381 followers
January 6, 2021

Η περιπέτεια της Χριστουγεννιάτικης πουτίγκας είναι μια συλλογή από έξι σύντομες ιστορίες μυστηρίου που φυσικά πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο κατέχει ο Ηρακλής Πουαρό. Προσωπικά ήταν η πρώτη μου επαφή με την συγγραφέα Αγκάθα Κρίστι και σίγουρα δεν θα είναι η τελευταία! Χαίρομαι που έχω ήδη κι άλλα βιβλία της στη κατοχή μου! Ας αρχίσουμε σύντομες μικρές κριτικές για την κάθε ιστορία.

Η πρώτη ήταν με διαφορά η αγαπημένη μου και η πιο ευχάριστη ίσως. Διαδραματίζεται στην αγγλική εξοχή , στην οποία πηγαίνει undercover σαν καλεσμένος, ωστόσο ο σκοπός είναι να εξιχνιάσει ένα μυστήριο. Μια παρέα προσπαθεί ταυτόχρονα να του στήσει ένα θεατρικό - μυστήριο μιας που γνωρίζουν την ιδιότητα του ως ντεντέκτιβ. Το συγκεκριμένο διήγημα το απήλαυσα τόσο πολύ! Είχε μυστήριο , αλλά και μια γιορτινή, παιχνιδιάρικη ταυτόχρονα διάθεση. Υπέροχη ιστορία για να την διαβάσετε την περίοδο των Χριστουγέννων! (5 STARS)

Το μυστήριο της ισπανικής κασέλας μπορώ να πω πως δεν ήταν η πιο αγαπημένη μου ιστορία. Η ιστορία έχει να κάνει με ένα πτώμα που βρέθηκε μέσα σε μια ισπανική κασέλα , από τον μπάτλερ. Ένα πάρτι εξελισσόταν στο σπίτι εκείνο το προηγούμενο βράδυ. Ενδιαφέρουσα πλοκή, ωστόσο, κάτι μου έλειπε και δεν είμαι σίγουρη τι ήταν. Ίσως το γεγονός ότι δεν κατάλαβα το κίνητρο ή ότι ο δολοφόνος μου φάνηκε παράξενος. (4 STARS)

Η τρίτη ιστορία ήταν πολύ ωραία. Είχε το κατάλληλο vibe για μια δολοφονία που συμβαίνει σε έναν πύργο. Ατμοσφαιρικό θα έλεγα. Μπάτλερ, κληρονόμοι, υπάλληλοι, χήρα, πολλοί ύποπτοι, ένας μόνο ο δολοφόνος. Τι να συνέβη άραγε; Μια ιστορία που με κράτησε σε αγωνία , καθώς δεν μπορούσα να φανταστώ τον πραγματικό δολοφόνο. Όλοι ήταν ύποπτοι, μα κάποιοι λίγο παραπάνω. Ανατρεπτικό και απολαυστικό! (4.5 STARS)

Η τέταρτη ιστορία επίσης μια από τις αγαπημένες μου. Αν και δεν κατείχε την ατμοσφαιρικότητα των προηγουμένων και ίσως ήταν η πιο προβλεπόμενη από τις άλλες, ωστόσο ήταν πολύ καλογραμμένη και την απόλαυσα δεόντως! (5 STARS)

Η πέμπτη ιστορία με ξάφνιασε. Ως προς την μέθοδο που έγινε ο φόνος και όλο το παρασκήνιο. Για τους υπόπτους ίσως όχι τόσο, όμως ήταν ενδιαφέρουσα και αρκετά σύντομη. (4 STARS)

Τέλος, η έκτη και τελευταία ιστορία ήταν η μοναδική στην οποία δεν εμφανίζεται καθόλου ο Ηρακλής Πουαρό, αλλά τον αντικαθιστά η κυρία Μαρπλ. Έχουμε την υπόθεση μιας βίλας και της ιδιοκτήτριας της. Πολλοί οι συνήθεις ύποπτοι. Κάποια πράγματα τα είχα προβλέψει μπορώ να πω, αλλά φυσικά όχι όλα. (4.5 STARS)

Αυτό που έχω να πω σαν τελική εντύπωση είναι πως μπορώ να δηλώσω πλέον φαν του είδους και της συγγραφέως αυτής. Πάντα άκουγα , αλλά δεν τολμούσα να την διαβάσω , σκεπτόμενη πως λόγω άλλης εποχής μπορεί να μην απολάμβανα τα βιβλία ή την γραφή της. Πόσο λάθος έκανα! Σίγουρα με εξέπληξε σχεδόν σε όλες τις ιστορίες. Είτε με την μέθοδο του φόνου, είτε με το κίνητρο ή με τον ίδιο τον δολοφόνο. Πλέον δηλώνω φαν! Αν διστάζετε κι εσείς για τους ίδιους λόγους, μην το κάνετε!

Profile Image for Masoud Irannejad.
184 reviews121 followers
May 10, 2019
همیشه کتابای آگاتا کریستی رو دوست داشتم ولی اصلا از این یکی خوشم نیومد
فقط دو داستان اول (صندوق اسپانیایی و نگون بخت) رو پسندیدم

نسخه اصلی کتاب شامل داستان های کوتاه از خانم مارپل و پوآرو است ولی در این کتاب خبری خانم مارپل نیست ! و فقط داستان های پوآرو آورده شده

در مقایسه با نسخه اصلی ، دو داستان در این کتاب ترجمه نشده
Greenshaw's Follyو The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding
و به جای این دو داستان حذف شده ، داستان دیگری به نام زنگ دوم قرار داده شده
Profile Image for Veronique.
1,294 reviews214 followers
December 10, 2018
"This book of Christmas fare may be described as “The Chef’s Selection.” I am the Chef!”

In the foreword by Agatha Christie, we are presented with two main courses, a selection of entrees, and a sorbet, all in the shape of short stories. These shorter formats are not usually my favourite fare but these were easy to consume, even if some were tastier than others :O)

* The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding (a.k.a The Theft of the Royal Ruby)
* The Mystery of the Spanish Chest
* The Under Dog
* Four and Twenty Blackbirds
* The Dream
* Greenshaw’s Folly

Oh and if you get a copy, don’t forget to read that foreword. In it, Christie describes the Christmases of her youth :O)
Profile Image for Janete on hiatus due health issues.
766 reviews424 followers
September 19, 2018
I read this book in my mother language. Almost all the stories are interesting, but I'd prefer that these 6 short stories would have been turned into 6 long and complete novels. Short stories don't please me so much; I always think they end abruptly, have little development and last very little.
Profile Image for Merry .
738 reviews175 followers
June 3, 2022
A short story with a charming enjoyable mystery. Rather easy to figure out the evil doer. My second (even though a short story) was nice but I remain on the fence about reading further books by Christie. I rate is 3.5*
Profile Image for flora .
220 reviews327 followers
August 14, 2018
ست قصص متنوعة من سرقة وقتل يميط اللثام عنها هركيول بوارو مع ظهور
مس ماربل في القصة الأخيرة

مغامرة كعكة العيد
جوهرة مسروقة تجبر بوارو على قضاء عيد الميلاد بالريف ومحاولة استعادتها

لغز الصندوق الإسباني
جثة في الصندوق ودماء على السجادة , وزوجة القتيل تلجأ لبوارو لإنقاذ المتهم

شجار وصراخ واكتشاف مقتل السير روبن في اليوم الثاني وتحوم الشكوك حول
ابن اخت القتيل أما حدس زوجة القتيل فيقودها لطلب مساعدة بوارو

أربعة وعشرون شحرورا
تفاصيل صغيرة كفيلة بإثارة شكوك بوارو والكشف عن جريمة لم تكن لتعرف
لو لم يكن موجودا

حلم غريب ,حالة انتحار ومستفيدان من الوفاة.. وبوارو الذي لا تفوته أدق الأمور
يكشف ملابسات اللغز المحير

حماقة غرينشو
جريمة محبوكة بذكاء تحدث في البيت الكبير والغريب " حماقة غرينشو " وابن اخت
ماربل يكون شاهدا على وصية صاحبة البيت أما حل الجريمة فيكون على يدي ماربل

Profile Image for Ahmed Hussein Shaheen.
Author 4 books186 followers
December 17, 2018
"الكلب الذي ينبح لا يعض"

مجموعة قصصية قصيرة ولكنها مسلية وخصوصًا في نهاية العام

هذه أول مرة أتعرف فيها على شخصية الآنسة ماربل حيث ظهرت في القصة الأخيرة أما بقية القصص فكانت من بطولة "المحقق" بوارو

وكعادة أجاثا فإن القاتل لا يمكن توقعه
Profile Image for Ana M..
653 reviews133 followers
November 28, 2019
Este libro de relatos de Agatha Christie está compuesto por seis historias, cinco de ellas con Hercules Poirot como protagonista y la restante con Miss Marple. No puedo decir que haya sido un libro que me haya fascinado, siempre que leo un libro de relatos me confirma que no soy lectora de este tipo de libros, pero había que leerlo de todos modos.

El pudding de Navidad. 4★
Primer y único relato ambientado en la época navideña, ha sido el que más he disfrutado. Esa mezcla entre misterio y época festiva estuvo muy bien. En este relato Hercules deberá investigar la desaparición o robo de una joya de incalculable valor. Muy entretenida y, como digo, me encantó la mezcla con la Navidad como protagonista.

El misterio del cofre español. 3★
Uno de los relatos cuyo desarrollo, por la poca extensión del mismo, me dejó un poco fría porque me hubiera gustado que fuera más extenso. Aquí Hercules tendrá que investigar el cadáver de un hombre hallado en un cofre español y resolver su asesinato.

El inferior. 2.5 ★
Este relato es el más largo de todo el libro y se me hizo un poquito lento a pesar de que me encantó la actuación de Hercules Poirot. Sí es cierto que me recordó a uno de los casos de Sherlock Holmes y quizá por ello precisamente fue que no disfruté tanto de el.

La tarta de zarzamoras. 3.5★
Relato muy corto donde Hercules investiga la misteriosa figura de un hombre que siempre va a cenar los martes y los jueves al mismo restaurante pidiendo el mismo menú. No ha estado mal, quizá demasiado corto, aunque brillante como siempre.

El sueño. 3★
Uno de los relatos más breves trata sobre un multimillonario acosado por un terrible sueño recurrente y acudirá a Hercules para ver si sabe qué está produciendo ese sueño. Bastante interesante aunque un poco inverosímil.

La locura de Greenshaw. 3★
Último y único relato de Miss Marple. Aquí conoceremos a la señora propietaria de Greenshaw y a sus sirvientes de la mano del sobrino de Miss Marple. Demasiado corto aunque me ha gustado bastante como ha resuelto el misterio la autora.

Es un libro que en general me ha gustado, pero me hace ver que necesito mayor extensión en la historia para llegar a disfrutar plenamente de ella.
Profile Image for cinnamon girl ୨୧.
113 reviews29 followers
January 25, 2023
Kao što se da primetiti, obožavam čitati dela Agate Kristi, neopisivo me smiruju i ova BDR MEDIA izdanja su laka i džepna stoga ih možete povesti svuda sa sobom ! 🚞
Ova knjiga je zapravo bila skup kratkih priča o avanturama Herkula Poaroa, po kojima sam još kao mala gledala epizode sa Dejvidom Šušetom (jedan od mojih omiljenih glumaca <3). Ove priče se mogu pronaći među prve dve ili tri sezone Poaroa, sigurna sam i moram priznati mnogo ih je lepše gledati nego čitati, stoga sam dodelila sledeće ocene:
The Incredible Theft - 4 ⭐️
The Adventure of Clapham Cook - 5🌟
The Lost Mine - 3⭐️
The Cornish Mystery - 5 🌟
The Double Clue - 5🌟
The Adventure of Christmas Pudding - 5 🌟
The Lemesuirier Inheritance - 5🌟
The Under Dog - 4 ⭐️
Double Sin - 3 ⭐️
The Wasps' Nest - 5 🌟
The Third Floor Flat - 5 🌟
The Mystery of the Spanish Chest - 4⭐️
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,601 reviews

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