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Музикалният журналист Дейв Хардинг притежава всичко: страхотен апартамент, мечтаната работа и съвършена съпруга. Фалитът на списанието, за което работи повлича лавина от събития...
Принуден да води рубрика с отговори на читателски проблеми в тийнеджърско списание, Дейв изведнъж се намира затънал до гуша в пубертетските излияния на своята аудитория. Едно от писмата обаче коренно се различава от останалите.
Тринайсет годишната Никола О Конъл не търси съвет за момичета, а иска да научи повече за Дейв. Защото е убедена, че е неин баща. И притежава доказателства...

190 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2002

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About the author

Mike Gayle

33 books1,907 followers
I was born in the 70s — the 70s were great. I would recommend them to anyone.

I was also born in Birmingham — in my humble opinion the greatest city in the world with the nicest people too.

I used to live in London — a great city too. But a bit on the pricey side.

I also used to live in Manchester — another great city (although technically I lived in Salford which is next door but that’s sort of splitting hairs).

Before I went to university I wanted to be a social worker — I have no idea why. It didn’t last long.

After I left university I wanted to write for the NME — I’ve always loved music but it was only when I went to uni that it started loving me back. I can’t play any instruments or sing so writing about music seemed to make sense.

My first paid writing gig was for a listings magazine in Birmingham — (Actually my first unpaid writing gig was an interview with Kitchens of Distinction for Salford Student Magazine. I can’t begin to tell you how terrible it was.)

I used to write a music fanzine — it was called Incredibly Inedible and I co-edited it with my mate Jackie. We typed up the first issue on my dad’s olde worlde typewriter and then literally cut and paste on to A4 sheets using scissors and glue. Over the three years of its existence we interviewed many bands and artists including: Smashing Pumpkins, The Cranberries, Pavement, Bill Hicks and Blur.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 135 reviews
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,068 reviews64 followers
June 16, 2019
Не мога да повярвам , че не съм писала ревю за една от най-любимите ми книги досега.
Препрочитам я за незнам кой път. И пак ми стопля сърцето.
"Смес от мъжественост и чувствителност" - както сам е определил героя си автора. Точно такива мъже ми липсват , които да могат да се отдадат страстно в една връзка, но в същото време да могат да говорят за чувства и всичко онова , което вълнува жените.
Вероятно се срещат само по страниците на книгите. Или поне се намират трудно.
Е , радвам се , че открих няколко такива мъже заради тяхното слово, което не се срамуват да споделят. И им се отдавам напълно :)
Profile Image for The Writer.
53 reviews
August 30, 2009
Welcome to the world of male chick lit a.k.a. “dicklit” in Danish.

This is actually my first time reading this kind of novel written by a man, and tell you what? It ain’t bad! As a matter of fact, reading this novel is healthy for the mind and soul *cough* now that you sort of able to figure out what’s inside a man’s head in a certain situation.

This novel is light, simple and divided into one-to five page “chapter” with a title – reflecting the simple minds of a man. The writing is hilarious yet evoking emotion at the same time realising that women and men are not as different as we thought (one being from Mars and Venus whatever).

Gayle wrote about a thirty one year old guy named Dave Harding who had a good life with his wife Izzi living in downtown London. Working as a music journalist in a fancy magazine called Louder certainly was not a bad profession but this all disappeared within seconds when Harding was forced to be unemployed following the folding of his magazine due to financial reasons.

Money wasn’t a major issue though since the wife was working in a similarly fancy women magazine and they were the kind of couple that had double incomes and no kids, so they were still cruising on their lives. The kidless state, however, did turn into a big question but after Izzy had a miscarriage – the option of having a kid had to be forgotten in the near future.

Until one day Harding received a letter from a 13-year old girl girl claiming to be his daughter . He fathered the kid when he was 18-year old over a holiday fling in Italy with a girl he never saw after that. His whole life changed, his so-called stable life was crumbling down, now he was torn between the feeling of wanting a kid and not wanting to tell his wife about the problem.

This novel, albeit written by a man, is a warm and full of emotions – you could see it is oozing from every words that Gayle wrote although they seemed short and uncomplex like those found in chicklit. Apart from the main story about Harding and his “long lost daughter” there were a lot of lessons to be learned from this book about what’s going on inside a man’s head.

It is a valuable book to read for a girl indeed and I’m thinking of rummaging the local library for another volume of Gayle’s work.
Profile Image for Hannah.
112 reviews
January 10, 2022
3.5/5. an easy read with a good mix of humour and tension, wish the ending was a little more fleshed out but i think that about every book lol
Profile Image for Thomas Stroemquist.
1,567 reviews141 followers
September 21, 2015
Extremely nice and funny feel-good by Mike Gayle, I would be hard put out to find a better beach book than this one. Luckily I could blame the tears in my eyes over the sweet ending on salt water and sun.
308 reviews13 followers
January 4, 2012
I liked the story, its told by the male point of view and that was a nice change. Happily married man finds out that he has a teenage daughter from a long forgotten night. Well told
Profile Image for Tricia.
1,729 reviews21 followers
October 17, 2021
This was an interesting story about how a man discovers that he has a teenage daughter from a one night stand in his youth.

It was fairly light so is a quick read.
5 reviews
February 21, 2023
What a brilliantly different book!! Loved every single page, awesome☺️
Profile Image for Ренета Кирова.
1,132 reviews32 followers
August 6, 2022
Книгата е по жанр чиклит, но интересното е, че е написана от мъжка гледна точка. Сюжетът е същият като при останалите от този жанр. Дейв е щастливо женен, дълго време е работел в списание за музика, но го закриват. Той е принуден да пише забавни статийки за мъжката гледна точка в женското списание на съпругата си и в едно тийн списание. Имаше много забавни моменти там, а съветите на Дейв стават популярни. Всичко е уж наред при него, докато не се появява едно 13–годишно момиче, което твърди, че е негова дъщеря. Оттам нататък действията на героите въобще не ми бяха смешни и забавни. Такъв един момент в реалния живот е много сериозен, а пазенето на тайни доведе до объркани ситуации. Не бях съгласна с действията на Дейв.
Като цяло такъв тип книги са смешни, но за себе си не намерих много такива моменти. Имаше си всичко за жанра в нея, но явно аз вече нямам интерес към такъв тип книги.
Profile Image for Vismantė.
137 reviews8 followers
October 9, 2022
„Kai nutinka nelaimė, tuo metu tikrai atrodo, kad niekada nebebūsi, kas buvęs. Atrodo, kad nuo šiol kiekviena diena iki gyvenimo galo bus tokia pat nykiai pilka. Kartais regisi, kad daugiau niekada nebesišypsosi. O paskui, žinoma, stoja metas, kai pyktis ir kartėlis atlėgsta, ir galiausiai baisioji nelaimė atrodo vien tolimas prisiminimas, lyg iš kito gyvenimo. Pradedi jaustis... gerai. Ne nuostabiai, ne puikiai, bet ir ne blogai. Gali juoktis, negraužiamas kaltės. Gali šypsotis, netrokšdamas pravirkti.“

Dvi žvaigždutės ne dėl to, jog pati knyga/istorija nebuvo tiek įtraukianti ar tiek paliečianti, tačiau daugiau dėl to, kad esu perskaičiusi dar kelias šio autoriaus knygas, kurios man paliko kur kas didesnį įspūdį. "Mano svajonių mergina" skaičiau gal prieš penkerius-šešerius metus, bet vis dar atsimenu tokią lengvą emociją, dažną šypseną veide, o kartais ir tylų pakikenimą, "Vakarienė dviese" tokių emocijų nesukėlė. Nemeluosiu, kad šis kūrinys, mano manymu, yra daug rimtesnis už kitas Mike Gayle istorijas, "Vakarienė dviese" nagrinėja tikrai sudėtingas gyvenimo problemas su šiokia tokia sveika ironija.
Profile Image for Juliana Graham.
487 reviews8 followers
December 21, 2013
I've read a few of Mike Gayle's book and think that he has a uniquely identifiable style - you can tell it's a Mike Gayle book you are reading, which is not a bad thing.

Dave is a thirty something journalist, happily married but about to suffer a career crisis. However, an unexpected letter from a daughter he didn't even know existed is about to throw a rather large spanner in the works of Dave's life!

Mike Gayle's main characters are always pretty likeable and very believable - ordinary, every day men with jobs, families, day to day problems but no major dramas. I always imagine that the author must base the characters quite heavily on himself as they seem quite similar to Mike in the autobiographical 'The To Do List'. Dave is no different and it was interesting to see how he coped with the dilemma he was faced with. I did find some of his actions quite frustrating (TELL IZZY, please!) but at no point did the book become infeasible.

A supporting cast of characters who were also realistic meant that reading this book really felt like I was stepping in to the world of Dave. My only criticism is that the end was a little bit soft and fuzzy, but it would have been a real shame if things had ended in any other way so I clearly can't be pleased whatever happens.

I'm going to a book night with Mike Gayle and Adele Parks next month and I'm really looking forward to hearing this author in person and finding out if he's really like Dave!
Profile Image for Carmen.
2,070 reviews2,277 followers
April 29, 2015
This was a charming book. It was British. It is about a man who works as a music journalist. He has been married for years to a woman he really loves. She is strongly against having children, and he wants nothing more than to be a father. She accidentally gets pregnant. Later she has a miscarriage, leaving them both crushed. When his magazine shuts down, he gets a job as an agony uncle for a teen girl magazine. He finds he really loves the job. A girl writes him a letter saying she is his daughter from a one-night-stand he had when he was 18. They meet in secret and get to know each other. Eventually the truth comes out.

THINGS I LIKE: He doesn't number his chapters. They are instead named stuff like 'together', 'aged', 'welcome' and 'select'. Also, he makes his chapters short, which I enjoy. He is funny, but not stupid. He reminds me of Nick Hornby (High Fidelity). It's kind of like really good chick lit written by a man. He writes a man who is a good person and very in love with his wife and daughter. High marks all around.

“I have thought dozens of times of the similarities between my situation with with Nicola and an affair: the lies, the sneaking around and, most of all, the fact that I have fallen hopelessly in love with someone other than my wife. It is an affair – just not a romantic one. But it will be equally catastrophic and devastating when the truth gets out.”
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Birgit.
Author 2 books9 followers
April 19, 2011
This is the second book by Mike Gayle that I read and once again it's a great male version of typical chick-lit. I don't know whether there is a term like bloke-lit, but as far as the content and fun goes it is just that. Once again he offers both male and female readers a fantastic read which gives insight into the male mind and he peppered the story with his well known light hearted humor.
So, boy finds out he has a daugther soon after his wife looses their first child. Trying to be a father to Nicola and at the same time not wanting to hurt his wife, Dave stupidly doesn't say a word until it's almost too late. While this plot actually engaged me more than the one in Mr Commitment, somehow the flow of the story and the character development didn't go as deep as I would have wished for. Still this is a lovely and honest read, but more on the average side than outstanding.
In short: Another funny and touching piece of male chick-lit by Mike Gayle!
Profile Image for Jen.
72 reviews6 followers
February 13, 2008
I like this book, except for the plethora of music references. Reading this book was like hanging out with that guy who is always trying to one-up you by knowing the coolest band or talking about that one vinyl ep that no one ever know about. And frankly, if you're going to do that, you should do it right. Jeff Buckley's song is "Everybody Here Wants You" not "Everybody IN Here Wants You." I also thought it took a while to warm up and found some of the dialogue a bit forced. Letting go of my hangups, though, it was a decent, fast read.
Profile Image for Shakira.
9 reviews2 followers
August 22, 2023
I did enjoy this book.
Dave and Izzy went through some struggles in their marriage and I can understand some of Izzy’s feelings. But she was my least favourite character and a bit of a dick towards the end for me.
I won’t give spoilers away but when Nicola comes into the picture and Izzy is aware of the situation, which hasn’t been easy for any of the people involved I thought it was very selfish of her to say “it feels like you’ve chosen her over me.” That comment pissed me off a bit. It felt like manipulation. I get that it’s a shock, a lot to adjust to. But that felt like emotional manipulation because she wanted him all to herself and wanted things back the way they were. Miscarriage or not that was unfair and if that was my friend in this situation I’d call her/him out for it.
That said overall there’s a lot of humour, sarcasm and it’s a good story. Even though Dave was absent from Nicola’s life due to not being aware of her existence he was a fantastic dad and I was actually really proud of him for standing by his daughter in the end. The easy thing would be to keep on with an easy life and not bother. He didn’t do that. Hats off to Dave Harding.
156 reviews1 follower
June 12, 2021
A bit of a RomCom and really rather embarrassing to own up to! Having said that I enjoyed a relaxing, slightly sentimental, happy-ending tale. The ending was predictable (given away by the drawing on the jacket of the edition I read!), but no less moving for that.

The characters were credible, the setting realistic and the main thrust of the plot quite believable. One interesting feature was the way the author allows the reader to see some of the apparently naive teenage “problems” from a male point of view.

The other interesting feature was Gayle’s insights (gained from personal experience I understand) of the often under-rated skills it takes to write something as seemingly trite as an “Agony Aunt / Uncle” column in a teenage magazine. Gayle makes it quite clear that there is a set of skills needed and that, as a journalist, a writer should be able to turn their hand to anything. Indeed they often have to in the ever changing world of magazines, whose shelf life may only be a couple of years.

One has to admire the skill of a “pro”.
Profile Image for Saleey.
37 reviews
January 10, 2024
This is far from what people enjoy reading these days but I’ve never read something like this.I thoroughly enjoyed it!!🤩✅
Giving it five stars because I’ll be thinking of it for a long time. I’m glad I bought a hard copy so I can reread it anytime it crosses my mind.

I finally got a glimpse of what might be going on in my husband’s head😂Most men don’t really know how to express their feelings but reading Mike Gayle’s word felt like reading my husband’s thoughts. I really could see my husband in Dave.

I love how the book was so unpredictable on many occasions like when Dave bumped into Trevor and Stella(The shock!!!😱) or how the book ended.I didn’t really like Izzy until the last chapter😫❤️

Friends like Fran should be protected at all cost.

Nicola is so smart and beautiful!💗

This is not a thriller but totally got me thrilled!!😆so beautifully written I love it😻
320 reviews
August 9, 2020
Easy read with just the right amount of humour woven through some tough issues. Well-written, this is a book I will recommend to readers that sometimes struggle to finish a book. The book is broken into many short sections, smaller than normal chapters, so it is easy to find yourself finished in no time at all. Loved the story. A magazine journo who normally writes for a music section, gets a job as an Agony Uncle in a teen magazine when the music mag folds. A 13 year old girl writes to him telling Dave she is his daughter of a one night stand in his past. Now, Dave must decide if he tells his wife, who has just suffered a miscarriage......will it all work out, or is the new daughter too much for a wife already questioning if she wants to "try" for a baby, or not.
Profile Image for Hannah Pike.
Author 2 books14 followers
May 25, 2021
Dave Harding has what most people would call the perfect life. A great wife, a good home and a job he enjoys. However, things begin to take a turn for the worst when Dave's company goes bust and he is hired to work for a teen magazine.
One letter suddenly gives him an even bigger problem that he never thought he would be faced with - Teenager Nicole is convinced that Dave is her father.

This novel was a brilliant read with an honest male POV which was funny at points but also extremely refreshing to read. This book mainly revolved around themes of family reconnection which were heartfelt and touching, but also delves into the more mature theme of miscarriages and how this can affect both a relationship and an individual.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Stuart Harley.
48 reviews
October 31, 2017
Another winner from Mike Gayle...... I loved the whole Agony Uncle routine and the "articles" he writes for various magazines giving the mans perspective on different topics.

I fond myself almost saying out loud, after he had met his daughter & not told his wife, bad mistake it'll end in tears.

Overall I found this every bit as good as the previous novels and enjoyable from start to finish.
14 reviews2 followers
July 28, 2017
รู้จักหนังสือเล่มนี้เพราะมีคนเขียนรีวิวในทวิตเตอร์ รีวิวเขียนได้น่าอ่านมาก บวกกับชอบปกหนังสือ เลยตัดสินใจซื้อ เป็นหนังสือมือสองเล่มแรกของเรา เพราะหาซื้อมือหนึ่งไม่ได้
พอมาอ่านจริง รู้สึกว่าก็ไม่ได้ขนาดนั้นอาจเป็นเพราะไม่ใช่สไตล์เรา แต่ชอบนะ ดีเลยแหละ ชอบเนื้อเรื่อง ชอบภาษาการเล่า และเราจะหาหนังสือของ Mike Gayle อ่านอีกหลายๆเล่ม
81 reviews1 follower
November 15, 2018
An interesting premise and well executed

Quite a light easy read peppered with variety from Dave's agony uncle letters and features.. Underlying is the interesting premise of how a man and his partner react and cope with finding out he has a teenage daughter. An engaging and quite enjoyable read
November 17, 2018
Not my usual type of read. I wasn't sure what to expect but found it wasn't too "sickly romantic", just a nice light read. A bit different in its chapter styling and I never knew what the next chapter would bring.
Overall I enjoyed it and although I was wanting the story to end well for the main characters, I couldn't tell if or how it would!
Profile Image for Angel Serrano.
1,374 reviews8 followers
February 15, 2019
Un periodista que escribe en una revista musical como crítico lo tiene todo: una carrera seria, unos amigos dedicados y una esposa con éxito y embarazada. Pero algo de su pasado le alcanzará para cambiar su mundo cuando por cierre de la revista empieza a trabajar para una publicación de adolescentes como el Doctor Amor.
Profile Image for Glenys.
366 reviews3 followers
April 21, 2020
Loved this novel, read it and could imagine it all as the situation unfolded, perfect ending too. Won't share more as it would be a spoiler... loved the way it was written, almost like diarised entries, short sharp and sweet leading you into the next one as anticipation rose. Great to read a book from a male perspective.
Profile Image for Ramune Kaz.
64 reviews3 followers
October 16, 2021
Tokia lengva knyga, parasyta paprastai, bet kartu ir itaigiai. Ir asara braukiau, ir juokiausi. Beje, pats knygos pristatymas toks... Mano nuomone nelabai issamus, kiek sumenkinantis pacia knyga. Na, cia tas atvejis, kai nepirkciau knygos pagal aprasyma, neimciau jos is bibliotekos, bet kadangi turejau savo lentynose ir tiesiog emiau ir skaiciau. Ir labai dziaugiuosi
Profile Image for Judith Carin.
27 reviews
July 24, 2023
J’ai adoré ce bouquin. Il permet au lecteur d’entrer dans la tête des hommes le temps d’un instant et de mieux comprendre certains choix et certaines réactions face à des situations compliquées.
De plus je me suis sincèrement attachée aux personnages, notamment à Fran, Izzy et le couple qu’elle forme avec Dave ou autrement « l’un des couples les plus sains de la littérature ».
461 reviews3 followers
February 15, 2019
Likeable chick lit from a fella, or dick-lit as someone cleverly described it.
I was thinking the story was bumbling along when it was ratcheted up a lot of notches by the appearance of a previously unknown teenaged daughter.
Enjoyable and easy reading.
Profile Image for Mónica Amaral.
15 reviews1 follower
April 15, 2020
Dos 4 primeiros livros de Mike Gayle este é o meu favorito. Gosto das personagens e a história é uma delícia. Marca o início do que se tornará a escrita do autor nestes últimos tempos, algo mais sério mas sem perder as notas de humor. Não se consegue parar de ler...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 135 reviews

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